Rain Intensity: Lets you control the amount of rain falling.
Day/Night Speed: Lets you control the speed of the day/night cycle. Time: Lets you manually control the day/night cycle and sun position. Show Cloud: Opens a "Cloud Browser" menu where you can create or delete test files, presumably stored in the Steam Cloud. Show Camera Info: Displays camera coordinates and rotation vector on-screen, with buttons to copy them to the clipboard. Show Chirps: Opens a very large, scrollable menu where you can trigger all Chirper messages. Show Tutorial Tags: Opens a menu where you can trigger the various help message popups. Language UI: Opens a menu where you can change the game language.
However, it can take several (real life) minutes for them tor trigger, and you don't get to choose where they impact.
Disaster UI: Opens a menu where you can trigger any disaster, including ones not normally selectable. Unlocks an additional option, "Show Custom Content P" which shows more bars. Loading Profiler: Shows colored bars on the screen. Full Demand: Locks residential, commercial, and industrial demand at 100%. Disable Fires: Prevents buildings from catching fire. Disable Abandonment: Prevents buildings from becoming abandoned. Analog Controller: Enables the use of a joystick to move the camera. Unlimited Camera: Lets the camera pan outside city limits. Clear Config: Resets all game settings. Clear Achievements: Relocks all Steam achievements(!). Reset Milestones: Relocks all milestones except Little Hamlet. Unlock Area Buildings: Unlocks all industrial, park, and school buildings. Unlock Monuments: Unlocks all monuments. Unlock Unique Buildings: Unlocks all unique buldings. Unlock Progression: Unlocks all milestones. Unlock Milestone: Unlocks the next milestone. Reset Statistics: Unknown probably related to City Statistics menu. Remove Buildings: Deletes all zoned buildings.
Abandon Building: Forces a random building to become abandoned. Levelup Building: Forces a random building to level up.